
YouTube Videos of Member's Railway Layouts by John Beaumont
Interesting Links to Garden Railways, Getting Started and Miniature Worlds
  • Peckforton Light Railway: This Blog describes the ongoing development of a 16mm scale 45mm gauge garden railway situated in the North West of England.
  • Model Railways and Freights Cars. This link is supplied by Noah Miller who is working towards earning his ‘Railroading’ merit badge for the Boy Scouts.
  • German Wonderland: Man’s skill and imagination at work. This is well worth a 4-5 minutes viewing. This is an update for their German Wonderland.

    It was started by two brothers as a place to show their hobby, and grew in leaps & bounds. Soon they were joined by other ‘Model Railroad Clubs’ and other craftsmen. Some were electricians, model makers carpenters and  computer programmers.
    Their wives would stop by to see what they were doing and usually bring them a lunch. One thing led to another. Three of the ladies had worked at a bakery, several visitors would ask if they had a snack bar. The idea was planted; some of the carpenters came and built a nice restaurant area for the bakery and a kitchen too. If the fresh coffee smell didn’t get you, then the bakery definitely would. This was about 5 years ago. One of the Breweries came and furnished all of the tables and chairs, serving counter and, etc. Their latest finished area is the airport. Planes look like they are flying and landing. Remember this is all a model!

Garden Railroading News has published an Advertisers Directory, where information is available on where to purchase G-Scale equipment & accessories.
The Directory includes a brief description of what each vendor provides and with links to their websites. 
The ongoing connection between garden railroaders and vendors that supply our hobby is a core mission for GR News. 
GRNews now has a YouTube channel which will feature photo journals and videos of the wonderful world of Garden Railroads.