About Us

The Garden Railway Club of Australia Inc. was established for people who enjoy the hobby of garden railways in the Aussie sun, and for sharing ideas and expertise with other Members. It is a family-oriented club, based in Sydney NSW, although it has and welcomes members from just about all over Australia and New Zealand.

Running Days are held at a different members’ house on the second Saturday of each month. Meetings are generally confined to the Sydney area or within 200km, sometimes Interstate. Membership is open to all who have an interest in garden railways. Every skill level is welcome. You don’t have to own a model train or have a garden railway in order to join. Just bring your trains along to run on someone else’s track! Or just come and watch and socialize, all types of G scale trains are welcome. Some members build from scratch, others ‘shake-the-box’ and run.

New Members are always welcome, either contact our Secretary Toni Benton for further information or fill in an Application Form.

Many spouses attend the run days and generous afternoon teas are always provided to keep up our energy. Each run day has a short official meeting segment.

A substantial (usually around 40 pages) magazine called Garden Rails, is produced bi-monthly, containing reports of visits to members’ layouts, various articles of interest to members and product reviews


To become a member you can either contact the Secretary or fill in an Application Form and post to the Treasurer at the address on the bottom of the form. The location of Club Days is printed in the Garden Rails magazine published bi-monthly and is included in your membership. Membership is $70 per year, i.e. March-March or $30 from September to March. (Overseas $100 per year, i.e. March-March and $45 for September to March)

General Information

Running Day

For all Running Day locations refer to your current copy of Garden Rails magazine, or contact the Secretary. We are always happy to receive new members and they seem happy to join us.

Running Day Format

Only the host will be permitted to run their trains for up to the first two hours after which time members will be permitted up to a 20 minutes running time. Members, other than the host, will be asked to put their names on a roster sheet.
To allow a clear view of the layout and to allow uncluttered photographs, please place all boxes in a less conspicuous location.

Club Rail

Rail is now available for purchase to club members for $20.00 per 3.6m (12ft) length. Contact Daphne on 0418 430 824


Check out our Facebook page.

Garden Railway News

Garden Railway News is an eMagazine produced in North America. Their mission is to build the garden railroading community by connecting people who love the hobby. A FREE on-line, Garden Railroading Newsletter/Magazine fueled by Garden Railroading Clubs.


Getting Started Building your Layout

Norm Mitchell has produced an article, Getting Started, which may be of interest to members who are about to build their layout and have no idea where to start.
What plants to put into your layout can be a bit of a conundrum. The Australian National Botanic Gardens website have an article which may be of assistance.

Calendar of Running Days

  • April 12: Berkeley
  • May 10: Valley Heights 
  • June 14: Winmalee
  • July 12: Seven Hills
  • August 9: TBA
  • September 13: Springwood
  • October 11: Bangor
  • November 1: Galston
  • December 13: Greenwich

Layout at Berkeley